Free Emergency Eye Examination
Our optometrists at Parish Opticians are accredited to provide free emergency appointments on the NHS. Your eye health is the priority of our eye care professionals.
Please do not hesitate to come in with:
- A red sticky or painful eye.
- Sudden floaters or flashes.
- Sudden loss of vision, or double vision.
- Or any other sudden eye problems.
If you have any issues or concerns with your eyes, please call to book an appointment with our accredited optometrists. We can tell you whether you qualify for a free of charge NHS emergency optician appointment.
Eye diseases and conditions can, in serious cases, cause blindness, but if caught early vision can often be preserved.
As well as our emergency eyecare service we also provide in-depth eye health examinations. Our highly trained optometrists will exam your eyes using the latest available technology. These examinations are more advanced than a normal eye check-up so may last longer.